Regenerative Viticulture is the Way of the Future

We are extraordinarily proud to work with the Holdaway family, who own and manage the Holdaway / Lowlands vineyard - home to our Sauvignon Blanc and Abstract Sauvignon Blanc in Marlborough (pictured is Richard Holdaway with Matt in the vineyard during harvest last year).
Brothers Robert and Richard Holdaway are passionate about regenerative viticulture, adopting this open-minded, science-based mentality, rather than a constrictive regime for their family vineyard. This allows "the toolbox to be wide open", with holistic management driving the decisions as to which tools are required to do the best thing for the whole.
It has been truly inspiring to watch their journey, with the 2020 vintage seeing them trial a 100% biological programme, meaning no fungicides, including no copper or sulphur in an attempt to pull out all the inputs that are killing the good biology. This will be rolled out into a much larger trial this growing season with the intention that the whole vineyard be managed in this way in the future.
This family are truly the bastion for genuine sustainability and leading the way for vineyard management with the least negative environmental impact. This open-minded approach to viticultural management is a key reason we partnered with them, aligning with our own views on regimes, where we strongly believe that you can have a more sustainable, holistic approach that is ultimately better for the environment when you operate outside of prescriptive regimes.
Click here to read the article on their environmental and regenerative pursuits in the September 2020 issue of Winepress.